Hello, my name is Harri Jalonen. I work as a professor at the University of Vaasa and hold positions as an Adjunct Professor at both the University of Tampere and the University of Vaasa. I received my Ph.D. in Knowledge Management in 2007 from Tampere University of Technology. Since the mid-1990s, I have been involved in teaching, research, and development.

For over two decades, I have researched socio-technological changes in organizations from various perspectives and contexts. My areas of study include knowledge management, public decision-making, and service-dominant value creation in public services. Currently, I am focused on the causes, characteristics, and consequences of organizational ignorance. Systems and complexity thinking has been a cornerstone of my research.

Socially impactful research is a passion of mine, which I believe involves active dialogue within academic circles and the public sphere. I view publishing in academic journals and writing for the general public as complementary pursuits. I have published approximately 100 scientific articles in journals including Public Management Review, Public Administration Review, International Public Management Journal and the International Journal of Public Service Management, as well as books or book chapters with publishers like Routledge and Springer. Beyond academic communication, I am committed to science popularization, having published around 100 articles in newspapers, trade magazines, and blogs. My website (www.harrijalonen.fi) and social media profiles (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube) address current research topics informally. Simplifying complex phenomena for the public has been both fascinating and challenging.

I have been instrumental in securing funding for over 20 research projects (inc. Horizon 2020, Academy of Finland and The Strategic Research Council), garnering roughly 14 million Euros, with more than 5 million Euros directed to my research team.

As a peer reviewer for various scientific journals and conferences, and as an expert evaluator for research funding bodies, I have contributed to the academic community’s standards of excellence.

In my role as a micro-entrepreneur, I have engaged in small-scale consulting, evaluation, and speaking engagements, as well as writing projects. 

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